1-1 Coaching

Recover from disordered eating as an autistic person through live coaching sessions and 24/7 chat support with a fellow autistic ED warrior who has beenĀ through it all.

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Recovery from an eating disorder is challenging

If you don’t know how to use your autistic traits to your advantage…

  • You believe being autistic is making ED recovery harder
  • You’ve tried countless treatment approaches, but nothing helped
  • You’re confused by all the contradictory recovery advice

And that leads to feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. You don’t deserve that! 1-1 Coaching will guide you on your unique journey to freedom.

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In 1-1 coaching, you will:

Work with Livia, an autistic warrior who has recovered from an eating disorder
Receive an individualized plan for ED recovery as an autistic person
Learn how to use your autistic traits to your advantage on your journey to freedom
Book your call

"Liviaā€™s deep understanding of autism, eating disorders, and the way they intertwine has been the key to my recovery."

Meet your coach!

My name is Livia (but you can call me Liv) and I'm your Recovery Coach! As someone who has struggled with restriction, exercise addiction, binge eating, extreme dieting, and more, I understand how difficult it can be to break these vicious cycles and find freedom.

Especially after being told by several doctors and psychiatrists that I "just had to learn to live with it", I felt hopeless and discouraged and thought that they were right. But they're NOT! Full recovery from any type of disordered eating is 100% possible for anyone.

As your Recovery Coach, I have an understanding and compassionate attitude towards you as an individual and aim to create a loving environment in which you feel challenged and can grow. My goal as a coach is to inform and inspire you to recover all aspects of your health, learn to trust to your intuition, and guide you to full and lasting recovery!

My approach

I believe true healing must come from within, meaning you must be willing to make a change for the better. My approach to recovery combines nutritional rehabilitation, neural rewiring, and gaining insight to finding freedom and creating a positive relationship with food, exercise, and your body.

I take a holistic approach to overall wellness, seeing you as a unique person rather than a complex patient. As an autistic female myself, I know how difficult it can be to get help in the traditional healthcare system. My 1:1 coaching program is the very program I wish I had during my own recovery from an eating disorder!

When you start coaching with me, we will work together to break limiting beliefs, set personalized goals, and unlock strengths you never knew you had! I will never force you to do anything; I will simply provide you with the tools you need to achieve success. In the end, YOU are responsible for your own recovery!

"I'm a mum who was desperate to help my autistic daughter with anorexia. Through working with Livia, I have learned to understand my daughter in a way I never could before!"

What's included in 1-1 coaching?

  • 50-minute coaching calls with me, Livia Sara, a proud autistic female who is fully recovered from her eating disorder

  • 24/7 access to me to ask questions, get advice, and stay motivated

  • Assignments toĀ challenge yourself and take action towards your goals

  • Client-exclusive resources to optimize your healing journey (including never-before-seen content ofĀ upcoming books!)

When you stop fighting your autistic traits and learn how to embrace them, you unlock your full potential to live an ED-free life!

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Your action plan:

Book a 30-minute consultation call
Receive a plan for working together
Take steps to your autistically ED-free life!
Book your consultation call


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